Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Got My Ring Stuck On My Finger......YIKES!!!

O'kay well I really love my moon ring. So I put it on.....I didn't think it was way to small!!! So it got stuck!!! We tried EVERYTHING!!! Nothing worked...So I had to go to the hosipital!! They had to saw it off.They had me point my hand down..But it was already swollen so it was getting hudge...and it hurt like crazy!! I went there @ 8:00 p.m. and got home at 11:00.. And I had school the next day!!! Then for the next few days.. you could see the mark where the ring was.
But it's okay=)


  1. YIKES!! Thats got to hurt. I Hope your ok. Well Thats amazing that the doctors took it off with a saw.

  2. Yikes! I couldnt Imagine having a swollen finger.
